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The Real Cost of Living in Auburn, CA: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover what it really costs to live in Auburn, CA, where the scenic Sierra Nevada foothills meet historic charm. This guide delves into all aspects of the cost of living from housing and utilities to groceries and healthcare, providing you with the insights needed to make informed decisions whether you're planning to move, buy, or rent.

a large bridge spanning over a large body of water near Sacramento
the front exterior of a beautiful luxury home in auburn ca

Housing Costs in Auburn, California

The housing market in Auburn, CA, is a significant aspect of the area's cost of living, reflecting both the city's historical charm and its appeal as a gateway to the scenic landscapes of the Sierra Nevada. This section offers an in-depth look at the costs associated with buying and renting in Auburn, along with insights into market trends, property taxes, and insurance considerations.

Buying a Home in Auburn

The median home price in Auburn as of 2024 stands at approximately $514,500. This price point positions Auburn above the national average but below the typical costs found in larger Californian cities, making it an appealing option for those looking to enjoy a balance of rural charm and urban accessibility. The real estate market here is influenced by several factors, including the proximity to major employment centers like Sacramento and the intrinsic value of living near natural beauty such as the American River and Folsom Lake.

Prospective homebuyers should be aware of the competitive nature of Auburn's housing market. The demand for homes often outstrips supply, particularly for properties with significant acreage or exceptional views. This competition can lead to quick sales and offers above the asking price, particularly in desirable neighborhoods such as South Auburn and around the Auburn State Recreation Area.

Renting in Auburn

Rental prices in Auburn also reflect the area's popularity and limited housing stock. For a standard two-bedroom apartment, renters can expect to pay around $1,600 per month. This rate is competitive with nearby areas but offers the added benefit of Auburn's community feel and its proximity to outdoor activities and Sacramento's metropolitan amenities. Rental costs can vary significantly based on the exact location, with properties closer to downtown or with amenities like in-unit laundry and swimming pools commanding higher prices.

Additional Costs to Consider

Beyond the sticker price of buying a home or the monthly rent, potential residents should consider additional costs such as property taxes and homeowner's insurance. Property taxes in Placer County typically range from 1% to 1.25% of a property's assessed value per year, influenced by specific voter-approved debt service. Additionally, California's risk of natural disasters, including wildfires and earthquakes, can lead to higher insurance premiums, which need to be factored into the total cost of homeownership.

For those considering moving to Auburn, understanding these financial implications is crucial. Whether buying or renting, the costs extend beyond simple transaction prices and involve ongoing commitments that impact overall affordability and quality of life.

Utilities and Household Expenses in Auburn, CA

Utility costs in Auburn, like in most areas, comprise a significant portion of the monthly budget for both homeowners and renters. This section examines the typical utility expenses including electricity, water, gas, and internet services, and compares these costs to regional and national averages.

Electricity and Gas

Electricity and gas costs in Auburn can vary based on usage, seasonal changes, and provider rates. On average, households in Auburn spend about $150 to $250 per month on electricity during peak summer months due to air conditioning demands, and slightly less in the winter. Gas bills, used primarily for heating and cooking, average between $60 and $120 monthly, influenced by winter heating needs.

Water and Sewer

Water and sewer services in Auburn reflect the costs of maintaining infrastructure in a region with significant seasonal variation in rainfall. Monthly water bills for a typical household range from $70 to $100, while sewer charges are often included or slightly additional depending on the area and the service provider.

Internet and Telecommunications

With the increasing need for high-speed internet, especially with more people working from home, internet services are a crucial utility. In Auburn, the cost for a basic broadband internet package ranges from $50 to $100 per month, depending on speed and data limits. Packages that include additional services like cable or streaming can push this cost higher.

Trash and Recycling

Trash and recycling services in Auburn are typically charged either as part of the property tax bill or as a separate utility fee. These services generally cost around $30 to $50 per month, depending on the level of service and the frequency of pickup.


Understanding the breakdown of these utility costs is essential for anyone planning to move to Auburn, as they represent ongoing monthly expenses that can impact overall affordability and budgeting. While some of these costs are in line with or slightly above national averages, careful planning and management can help mitigate their impact on a household's finances.

Transportation Expenses in Auburn, CA

Transportation costs are an essential part of the cost of living, particularly in Auburn, where the blend of rural and suburban landscapes influences commuting patterns and transportation choices. This section provides an overview of the expenses associated with private and public transportation in Auburn, including vehicle ownership, maintenance, and public transit options.

Vehicle Ownership and Usage

Owning a vehicle is common in Auburn due to its spread-out nature, which necessitates driving to access many amenities, work, or schools. The average cost of gasoline in Auburn tends to be slightly higher than the national average, reflecting California’s higher fuel taxes and prices. As of 2024, residents might expect to pay around $5 to $5.50 per gallon. Car maintenance costs, including regular servicing, repairs, and insurance, can also add significantly to monthly expenses. Insurance rates in California are higher than in many other states, influenced by the state's high number of uninsured drivers and comprehensive coverage requirements.

Public Transportation

While Auburn has limited public transportation options, the available services include local bus routes managed by Placer County Transit, which provide connections to nearby cities and towns. A standard bus fare is about $2 to $3 per ride, with monthly passes available for regular commuters, offering a more cost-effective solution for daily travel. For those working or frequently traveling to Sacramento, using the train or bus services can be a convenient and environmentally friendly option.

Biking and Walking

Auburn is known for its active lifestyle, and many residents take advantage of the area's bike-friendly policies and trails. For those living and working in closer proximity, biking or walking can significantly reduce transportation costs while also contributing to a healthier lifestyle.


Transportation costs in Auburn can vary widely based on individual circumstances, such as the choice between using a personal vehicle or public transportation. Prospective residents should consider their commuting needs and the associated costs when planning their budget and choosing where to live in or around Auburn.

Grocery and Dining Out Expenses in Auburn, CA

The cost of groceries and dining out can significantly affect a household's monthly budget. This section examines the typical costs of groceries in Auburn and explores the local dining scene to help residents and potential newcomers budget accordingly.

Grocery Costs

Residents of Auburn, CA, will find that grocery prices are generally on par with the national average, though some items may be priced higher due to regional factors and transportation costs. For a family of four, monthly grocery bills can range from $600 to $800, depending on dietary habits and preferences. Local farmers' markets, such as the Auburn Farmers' Market, offer seasonal produce at competitive prices, which can help mitigate some of the higher costs associated with supermarket chains.

Dining Out

Auburn offers a variety of dining options, from casual cafes and bistros to more upscale restaurants. The cost of eating out can vary widely. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant may cost around $15 per person, while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant could cost between $30 and $50 per person. The city’s dining scene reflects its diverse community, featuring everything from traditional American cuisine to international dishes, providing options for every palate and budget.

Local Food Culture

Auburn’s local food culture is vibrant, with an emphasis on locally-sourced ingredients and farm-to-table dining experiences. Many restaurants pride themselves on using ingredients sourced from the surrounding Placer County, which is known for its agriculture. This commitment to local sourcing not only supports the regional economy but also ensures freshness and quality in the dishes served.


Understanding the cost of groceries and dining out is crucial for anyone considering a move to Auburn, or for residents re-evaluating their monthly budgets. By exploring both supermarket options and the local dining scene, households can find ways to enjoy the variety of food experiences Auburn offers without overspending.

Healthcare Costs in Auburn, CA

Healthcare is a vital aspect of living costs that can vary significantly from one region to another. This section provides an overview of healthcare costs in Auburn, CA, helping residents and potential newcomers understand what they might expect to spend on health services.

Medical Services and Insurance

The cost of healthcare in Auburn is slightly above the national average, influenced by California's overall high cost of medical services. Insurance premiums for individuals and families can vary depending on the plan and provider, but typically, residents can expect to pay between $400 and $700 per month for health insurance premiums. This cost factor is crucial for budget planning, especially for those without employer-sponsored health plans.

Hospital Services and Specialist Care

Auburn has access to several medical facilities, including Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital and other specialized care centers. Costs for hospital services can include out-of-pocket expenses like co-pays and deductibles, which vary by insurance coverage. For non-insured individuals, emergency room visits or specialist consultations can be particularly expensive, sometimes exceeding $1,000 for a single visit without comprehensive healthcare coverage.

Prescriptions and Pharmacy Costs

Prescription medication costs can also be a significant healthcare expense. Prices for prescriptions vary based on the medication type, brand, and whether a generic option is available. Residents can manage these costs better by opting for generic drugs or utilizing discount programs offered by local pharmacies.

Preventive Care and Wellness Programs

Many healthcare providers in Auburn emphasize preventive care, which can help reduce overall healthcare costs in the long run. Wellness programs, annual check-ups, vaccinations, and other preventive services are often covered by insurance with little to no out-of-pocket cost, promoting better health and potentially reducing the need for more expensive treatments or emergency care.


While the cost of healthcare in Auburn may be higher than in some other parts of the country, understanding these expenses and planning accordingly can help mitigate the financial impact. Residents are encouraged to explore different insurance options and take advantage of preventive care programs to manage healthcare costs effectively.

Conclusion: Assessing the Cost of Living in Auburn, CA

Understanding the cost of living in Auburn, CA, is crucial for anyone considering moving to the area or those already residing and looking to reassess their financial planning. This guide has covered various aspects of living expenses, including housing, utilities, transportation, groceries, dining, and healthcare, each contributing to the overall cost of life in this picturesque Northern California city.

Auburn offers a unique blend of small-town charm and access to outdoor activities, with costs that are manageable compared to larger urban centers in California, yet higher than many places in the United States. The decision to live in Auburn should consider these financial factors alongside the lifestyle benefits the city offers.

For those looking to buy or sell property, manage a budget, or simply enjoy life in Auburn, Eastok Realty can provide guidance and expertise. Understanding the nuances of Auburn's cost of living can help you make informed decisions that align with your financial and lifestyle goals.

Explore Living in Auburn with Eastok Realty

If you're planning to buy a home, sell your property, or need advice on living and budgeting in Auburn, Eastok Realty is here to help. Visit our website or contact us directly to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in navigating Auburn's real estate market.

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